Tuesday, May 3, 2022

EOTO 2 Review

                 Another EOTO, and another lovely presentation by Jake Drew. Drew taught us about the workings and the effects the Echo Chamber Theory. An echo chamber it when you surround yourself with media that agrees or that, in the spirit of echo, resonates with you. A prime example of this is social media. Due to social media algorithms, the post and content that you like and/or share will be collected and similar types of media. This means that you won’t be absorbing any other sides, or rather angles, of media. If the media is divided over an issue, you will be shown given information that you already agree with. This means you won’t be able to learn about the greater story. This effect will lead to you not understanding issues and news fully. It’s a scary effect because it can be annoying when it feels like someone’s side of the story isn’t being heard, let alone it makes you look disconnected with you don’t listen or search for all sources of news.

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