Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Diffusion of Innovation

                While I was going discuss this theory as I applies to Homing Pigeons, that would be a challenge. Not impossible, but my information and data are limited, and I want to thoroughly explain this with a better example. So instead, I decided that I would apply this theory looking at Tesla. Tesla has amassed huge success. Founded in 2003, Tesla rose to by the most valuable automotive brand by 2021. It was also counted among the “leading fifteen most valuable brands actor all industries worldwide.” In 2021, the Model 3, their electric Sedan, reached over 1 million global sales. By comparing tesla to the model, we see that the innovators and early adopter category doesn’t fit as well as it could. While it can be applied to the growth of their cars, as a data company their true starters were the investors and supports of their goal. These functions well because tesla was an R&D company for a long time before they really took off. Elon Musk was so successful because he took the time to craft a business that would succeed. The Early Majority would represent the timing when the company began really flourish under the electric car hype. Coupled with gas price increases and encouraging a greener world, tesla was perfect. The late majority to me is when people started to realize just how truly functional and plausible using an electric car can be. As Tesla improved the free charging station. I truly believe the stragglers will at a serious loss. Tesla can truly pave a wave the future. Beyond being an electric car company I serious think we should invest in tesla.

                Yes, they are a powerhouse already and Elon Musk is practically unstoppable, he has unlimited money at this point. But tesla isn’t a car company, it’s a data company. Every mile driven is recorded and can be used to make the next mile safer. So don’t be a lagger
, and start thinking about what commuting would be like with Tesla.

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