Tuesday, May 3, 2022

EOTO 1 Review

 A presentation that I thoroughly enjoyed was Jake Drew’s on Netflix! Not only did I learn deeply about the history of Netflix, but of its huge effect. Netflix was born after Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph were about to be laid off. Together, they dreamed of creating, as Drew puts it, the next Amazon. Funny enough they chose to start at personalized dog food. Even stuff that shampoo, surfing equipment and baseball bats made it to their virtual shelves. After they switched over to selling and VHS tapes and found the issues of transporting them due to their fragile nature, they sought to capitalize on the growing DVD market. As such, Netflix was created. After going public, and amassing huge success, Netflix has created ripples that turned into waves in our lives today. One such is what Jake Drew discussed as the “‘Netflix Effect’, where people sit down and lose track of time watching too much Netflix”( https://jakedrew.blogspot.com/). Netflix competes in a tough market. Along with many other streaming platforms. What set Netflix apart is its widely successful original movies and shows. The fact that I can watch the brand-new Netflix original reboots of He-Man and their She-Ra spin, make me addicted. I’m not one for sitting down and staying glued to screen for longer than I have to, as an avid gamer. But the day that Netflix add Jurassic Park 1, I will be bed ridden for days. My father and I watched it so many times on VHS that it was burned into our old Panasonic Roadshow. Having shows at my fingertips is incredible.

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